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Foshan Loks Hair Limited
Guangdong, China
Produk utama: Serat bangunan rambut, semprotan serat rambut, aplikator serat rambut, gel rambut, kontrol tepi

Bella Loks
Lee Lee
Emma Loks
Vicky Loks
Jenny Loks
Maggie Chen
We Foshan Loks Hair Limited is a professional hair products factory with over 15 years experience. Our main products are 100% human hair building fiber( 1-2mm long pieces or powder condition ), sheep keratin hair building fiber ( 1-2mm long pieces or powder condition), cotton hair building fiber, hair holding spray, water resistant spray, hair fiber applicators, edge control, hair gel , etc. Our products are hot selling all over the world, and the quality matches the request of USA and Western European market.

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